Start Date: 15th March, 2025
Day: Saturday
Start Time: 10.30am -12.30
Venue: The Shine Centre, Carrigaline P43 E392
Cost: €95.00
About The Life Skills & Wellbeing Programme:
The Saturday Club is a 5 week programme for young people aged between 10-13 years of age with good receptive language skills. It will be a relaxed social space where the participants can interact and adapt at their own pace. The programme will cover a number of areas including practical items such as household tasks, cooking and understanding and managing money.
There will also be a focus on physical wellbeing with exercise sessions and games included in each session. The programme will also put a strong emphasis on emotional wellbeing and developing and maintaining positive mental health. This will also be a safe social space where the participants can have fun, interact, talk to each other and share group and paired tasks together.
Week 1: 15/03/25
- Getting to know each other
- Making & baking.
- Some gentle physical exercises.
- Social time to chat.
Week 2: 22/03/25
- What is wellbeing? Why is it important ?
- Recognising emotions.
- Some gardening
- Some physical exercise.
- Social time.
Week 3: 29/03/25
- Keeping my own space tidy.
- Science experiments.
- Arts and crafts.
- Some physical exercise.
Week 4: 05/04/25
- Pop up shop & understanding money.
- Group Activities- working together
- Some physical exercise.
Week 5: 12/04/25
- Revisiting feelings & emotions.
- Breathing.
- Some Yoga
- Making a Power Bracelet
The programme coordinator is Ellu Cooney, with Shine team members Kieran McAuliffe, Damian Murphy and Viktoria Conway facilitating the sessions.
About the Team:
Ellu Cooney:
Ellu is the Support & Training Coordinator at the Shine Centre and she has extensive experience of working with autistic children. adolescents and their parents. Ellu previously worked for 10 years as a class teacher in a Shine Early Intervention class. Ellu holds a BSc in Psychology and a Masters in Positive Psychology & Coaching from University College Cork and is a member of the Association for Coaching (AC).
Damian Murphy:
Damian works as a Tutor in Shine’s Early Education classes. He holds degrees in Recreation & Leisure and Montessori Education and H-Dip in Coaching & Coaching Psychology from UCC. Damian is an accomplished marathon & triathlon runner and also holds a level 1 Boxing Coach accreditation.
Kieran McAuliffe:
Kieran is the GM at the Shine Centre and holds a Masters in Coaching & Coaching Psychology. He is also a coach on the Gateway Programme and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the International Association for Coaching (AC).
Viktoria Conway:
Viktoria is a qualified Activities Coordinator and an Arts & Crafts Instructor. She is also an avid gardener and hillwalker.